Online Database of Female Experts in Czech Foreign Policy is here!

In autumn 2019, AMO launched a crowdfunding campaign during which it aimed to raise funds to create and manage an online database of female experts. It succeeded and, hence, we can now introduce you a unique Database of Female Experts in Czech Foreign Policy, which is now freely available and contains the profiles of experts with links to their previous work, interviews, and articles. Thank you once again for all your financial contributions!
Database of Female Experts in Czech Foreign Policy
The on-line Database was created in response to manels (panels occupied solely by men), which are still very frequent in public debates, even though we live in the 21st century and the unequal representation of men and women in public space should no longer be acceptable. Therefore, AMO decided to show that women – experts are here and they want to be heard in all spheres of society. We hope that the Database will be used (and not only) in the creation of panels in public debates, or in search for experts to express their opinions in the media. If you are a female expert in any given field overlapping Czech Foreign Policy, please, do not hesitate to join the Database!
The Database will be officially launched on October 1, 2020 at Kasárna Karlín, along with the projection of the movie ‘Feminister’ and a discussion on the representation of women in politics and public debates attended by Adéla Horáková (Jsme fér), Veronika Šprincová (Fórum 50%) and Jindřich Šídlo (Seznam Zprávy). The moderation belong to Johanna Nejedlová (Konsent). We are looking forward to meeting you there!