Central and Eastern Europe and the Future of the European China Debate
Posílení kapacit srbských investigativních novinářů v mapování zahraničních vlivů
Propojení networků žen v zahraniční, evropské a bezpečnostní politice napříč státy V4
Rozvoj systému hodnocení kvality vzdělávání v ukrajinských regionech 2019 - 2022
Zvyšování povědomí o hybridních hrozbách: Posílení odolnosti na západním Balkáně
Agnieszka Ostrowska is a Program director and Communication expert at Center for International Relations, Poland.
She graduated from English Philology Department at Poznań University and post-graduate European Studies at Sussex University in Brighton, United Kingdom (diploma with distinction). She has been responsible for the implementation of CIR’s flagship projects regarding media literacy, exposition to pro-Kremlin disinformation, as well as analyzing Chinese influence in the Visegrád Four. In 1995–2011 she was a full-time Polish Public Television journalist specializing in European issues. She is the author of several TV information campaigns rising awareness about the EU. Before Poland accession to the EU, she was Editor-in-chief of the “Integration” monthly published by Centre for European Information, as well as publication expert in the EU Information and Communication Programme in Poland.
This profile is not updated since 14/12/2020.