Central and Eastern Europe and the Future of the European China Debate
Connecting networks of women in foreign, European and security policy, across the V4 states
Enhancing the Capacities of Serbian Investigative Journalists in Mapping Foreign Influence in Serbia
Increasing Awareness of the Hybrid Threats: Strengthening Resilience in the Western Balkans
Tereza Soušková was an Associate Fellow of AMO. She focuses on the Eastern European region, Russia, Caucasus, and Central Asia.
Tereza graduated from an MA programme in Political Science and East European Studies at Charles University in Prague. She also studied in Russia and spent some time as an exchange student in Armenia and Ukraine. She specializes on Eastern Europe, Russia, the Caucasus, and Central Asia. She also focuses on Russian foreign policy, democracy research in post-soviet countries, and unrecognized states.
She was an intern at the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs, at the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Yerevan, and also worked in the Parliament of the Czech Republic.
Tereza participates in various projects focused on Eastern Europe and the Caucasus, she is editor-in-chief of International Politics journal and doing her PhD. at Faculty of Arts at Charles University.
This profile will not be updated after 7/12/2022.