Tomáš Jungwirth napsal komentář pro platformu openDemocracy. V něm se věnuje roli občanské společnosti ve světle takzvané migraní krize.
The so-called European migration crisis and the populist political backlash that ensued – even if undoubtedly driven also by a number of other factors – have created all sorts of challenges for civil society actors. How to respond effectively to the increasingly hostile societal environment? How to “stay in the game” without giving up on core principles? What, if any, alternative political agenda should they put forwards? This text attempts to provide a rather sober reading of the situation at hand, and hint towards what I believe can be a way forwards.
Indeed, in the post-truth era, getting facts across has become a challenging endeavor.
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Admittedly, the menace of the civil sector compromising its principles and thus losing credibility is also looming.
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