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Experts: Circular economy targets should be adapted to each member state

AMO AMO / Ed. 15. 2. 2017
Experts: Circular economy targets should be adapted to each member state
foto AMO

EurActiv.com shrnuje debatu o oběhovém hospodářství, kterou spořádala AMO.

The essence of the circular economy is not in numbers and targets, but in changing attitudes and seeking new business opportunities, experts said at a debate organised by Euractiv Czech Republic.

Before the EU decides on its recycling and landfill targets, the definition of what ‘recycling’ really is should be cleared up. Czech stakeholders were very clear on this issue at a roundtable debate on the circular economy.

“There is a difference between what individual member states report as ‘recycling’, and what really happens with the waste. Just putting waste into recycling bins does not mean that you recycle it,” director of the Czech association for district heating Martin Hájek said. He pointed out that a significant share of waste ends up being treated in a different way.

Celý čláek si přečtěte na EurActiv.com.

Původní vydání: Experts: Circular economy targets should be adapted to each member state

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