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Emerging Sectors of the Sharing Economy in the Czech Republic

Kryštof Kruliš Kryštof Kruliš / Ed. 2. 11. 2016
Emerging Sectors of the Sharing Economy in the Czech Republic
foto AMO

Those who follow media news coverage on the sharing economy in the Czech Republic may get the impression that this new trend is limited mostly to two sectors: transportation and accommodation, where large international startups dominate.

It is true that known brands, established international clientele and sufficient finances for the development of operation in the country are all concentrated within these two sectors. However, the phenomenon of a sharing (or collaborative) economy cannot be reduced only to these two sectors.

One of the key advantages of a sharing economy is that it brings such positive features of the Internet as the instant matching of supply and demand or the availability of information on every participant through the process of individual reviews and references into real everyday life. This feature has a great potential to reshape various sectors where, a few years ago, only services of traditional providers were available.

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Původní vydání: Emerging Sectors of the Sharing Economy in the Czech Republic

sdílená ekonomika 63
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