Young professionals have focused on the refugees and Czech-German strategic dialogue

The first worskhop of the 7th edition of the educational project Czech-German Young Professionals Program (CGYPP) has taken place in Berlin.
The selected topics for upcoming programme tackle the issue of society at risk and Czech and German answers. During the first workshop focusing on political and social risks of our society – it is not surprising that refugee crisis was the main matter of discussions. The social and political aspect of this issue was discussed from various perspectives – starting from very macro ones and getting to real local problems. Speaking about the content of the seminar, the perspective of Czech-German relations was not omitted as well.
Touching the macro perspective, the program started with the debate with Miranda Schereurs from Environmental Policy Research Centre and Annegret Bendiek from German Institute for International and Security Affairs. To get closer to the point of refugee crisis, the both speakers touched the abstract dimension of reasons people being in move and its security and environment consequences for the European society.
Photogallery from the 1st Workshop
DownloadMoving to the bit closer point of view, the issue rise of populist parties has been discussed during the discussions with Barbara John and Sylke Tempel. Namely, how to challenge leader of these formations across the Europe and how to not ignore them as a relevant part of political competition.
Complementary to more general part of seminar, two interesting site visits have been followed. The first visit to small social center Morus 14 touched the issue of integration of immigrants living in Neukölln which is part of Berlin and belongs to places with the highest unemployment rate in Berlin. Both representatives stressed that the most crucial part of their work is to teach children with immigrant background structuralize their day to day life assisting them with school duties. This really practical touch of integration policy has been followed by on site visit of refugee camp in Alt Tegel in central part of Berlin. During the guided tour, the most crucial points have been touched: what are the motivations of people to move, how their first experience with new life in Germany is and how the state shape its policy towards refugees.
The last part of the seminar was dedicated to the internal workshop of the CGYPP participants, focusing on their proposals and demands for speakers and issues to be discussed in Prague (June) and Liberec (September) workshops.
The project is organized by AMO and European Academy Berlin with a kind support of the Czech German Future Fund.