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Association for International Affairs

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Course of the year

The program of Prague Student Summit has two major parts – five all-day long preparatory meetings and four-day conference. As has become a tradition, admissions are started on September 1st. AMO analysts are choosing students according to clear and predefined criteria.

Through out the academic year there are preparatory meetings held at the University of Economics in Prague. Participants become ambassadors and learn how to debate, take stances, form their own statements and to find support among their colleagues. Moreover, the participants widen their expertise considerably. Integral parts of every preparatory meeting are lectures, guest panel discussions and focus on improvement of soft skills. Over all, the core task of preparatory meetings is the preparation for the conference.

Calendar of the XXII season of the Prague Student Summit:

1st preparatory meeting: 19. 11. 2016

2nd preparatory meeting: 17. 12. 2016

3rd preparatory meeting: 28. 1. 2017

4th preparatory meeting: 15. 2. 2017

5th preparatory meeting: 18. 3. 2017

Final Conference: 7. 4. – 10. 4. 2017

Conference takes place in the Hotel Ambassador – Zlatá husa and in the Prague Congress Centre each year. The conference is the final point of the five-months long preparation process. The information students have gained over the year can be presented at the final conference. Representing a country, their aim is to guard values, find solutions and compromises in order to create common resolutions. However, resolutions are not the main objective. Prague Student Summit helps students to develop for instance critical thinking, ability to find sources and information, listening skills, tolerance as well it helps them in forming their own opinions and the ability to defend them. By joining the project, students contribute to the development of active civil society.

What is more, project is enhanced by many other events. For example: interactive course of etiquette, human rights projections and excursions within the Czech Republic or abroad. Students already had chance to visit places such as HQ of Czech National Bank, Radio Free Europe, air base in Čáslav, Senate of the Czech Republic, the headquarters of UN in Wien and Genève or European institutions in Brussels.

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