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Association for International Affairs

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Great Energy Challenge: In Search for Sustainability on Personal, Regional and Global Level

Energy market became one of the drivers of globalisation and geopolitics in last century. What does the 21st century bring? Can we reverse the trend of growing consumption and become self-sufficient? How can we secure affordable prices for energy while protecting the environment in a new geopolitical situation in Europe? How do we deal with energy management at our personal level in our busy schedule? What is the fuel that drives forward successful people?

We explored various aspects of energy policy and its various dimensions and compare German and Czech strategies in economic, political and social terms. By exchanging experiences and visions, the participants contributed to a discussion on how to adapt to and benefit from global challenges, public demand on participation in decision-making process and environmental change. Inspired by new ideas, tools and contacts, they had a chance to benefit from the program in your individual professional and private life.

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